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Share your message of encouragement with kids across Canada

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Young people all across Canada are picking up their pens, pencils and markers to help each other. They’re reminding other kids they’re never alone by writing thoughtful letters of hope during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What would you like to say to a kid right now?

You can send kids a message of encouragement by filling out the form below. We’ll share your notes with our readers to remind them they’re never alone and that help is always available!

Thank you for supporting youth mental health and well-being during this unprecedented time!

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Here are some of the inspiring messages we’ve received from caring adults just like you!

Check back from time to time to read new letters from supporters across Canada.

“Don’t be afraid. You are not alone. You have people around you who love you and you have people across Canada you don’t even know who love you. If you’re feeling fearful reach out—talk to someone—pick up the phone and call the helpline and someone will be there for you. This coronavirus crisis Is not forever. It will get better and eventually we will have a vaccine. You are young—you have your whole life ahead of you. Keep the faith. We love you.”

“It’s ok to be anxious, that’s the appropriate response to what’s happening out there. Lots of us older folks are thinking of you and wishing you the best. Hang in there.”

“You may be feeling scared or worried while our communities navigate this challenging pandemic. Don’t be afraid to open up about how you are feeling because many others feel the same way – you are never alone. Be patient to yourself and others. You are strong, you are loved. We are all in this together.”

“To reach out, there will always be someone that cares and will help, during these extraordinary times, we are all wrapped up in our daily worries, but we all need to remember that when we reach out we get help, and then we will be able to help the next person. Together we will get through this.”

“Don’t be afraid to reach out to Kids Help Phone. They are an amazing organization helping many others that feel the same way you do. You’re not alone in this. Together, we will get through this. Don’t ever lose hope.”

“We are all in this together – a community of caring, support and hope stretching across Canada. You do not need to deal with this alone, just reach out – you can start with a call to the Kids Help Phone – and know that we are there for you.”

“This is a time that both you and I have never gone through before. And it is natural to have some fear and anxiety over what is going to happen in the next while. But hard times bring out the best in us and we are coming together to support each other. Do not feel that you are alone.”

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