RiseUp: Kids Help Phone’s Action Plan for Supporting Black Youth
Informed by the Black Advisory Council at Kids Help Phone, Black youth, Black community leaders and Black organizations, RiseUp: Kids Help Phone’s Action Plan for Supporting Black Youth is how we celebrate and support young people of the Afro-diaspora in all aspects of Kids Help Phone’s services.
RiseUp powered by Kids Help Phone has positioned itself through five main commitments with actions that address the needs of African, Caribbean and Black Youth in responsive and innovative ways:
- INNOVATE new and responsive ways of supporting Black youth mental health and wellness
- AMPLIFY awareness of services that support the well-being of African, Caribbean and Black youth
- INCREASE the representation of diverse youth of the Afro-diaspora throughout all of Kids Help Phone’s service offerings
- EVOLVE service offerings to suit the unique needs of Black youth and their communities
- EMPOWER with our data to guide best practices and service provision for African, Caribbean and Black youth throughout Kids Help Phone’s services and beyond