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Kids Help Phone’s complaints policy

From time to time, Kids Help Phone may receive complaints from stakeholders and service users about quality of service, fundraising programs, communications, the application of policies and procedures, or the conduct of Kids Help Phone or its representatives.


Kids Help Phone is committed to receiving and resolving external complaints and concerns in a timely, fair, and consistent manner.  Kids Help Phone will make every reasonable effort to investigate and bring about resolution as soon as possible, in accordance with approved departmental processes for complaint resolution and Kids Help Phone’s reporting processes.


The purpose of this Policy is two-fold:  a) to ensure a transparent, consistent, and fair method of receiving and responding to external complaints from stakeholders, including donors, funders, supporters, service users and the public and b) to ensure that senior leadership and the Board are kept apprised of all complaints and their resolution.


Kids Help Phone will respond to a complaint and make every reasonable effort to investigate it and bring about resolution as soon as possible. Complaints will be addressed in a fair and consistent manner.  Except for complaints with our anonymous services, wherever possible, complainants will be updated during the review process and provided clear reasons for decisions related to the complaint.  Dissatisfaction with the outcome of a decision should not form the basis for a subsequent complaint under this policy.


Reporting: If a member of the public wishes to make a formal complaint, they can call (416)-586-5437, send a letter or submit it online through contact us at, specifying ‘Complaint’ in the subject line.  When receiving a verbal complaint staff may attempt to resolve it immediately.

Further Information – Kids Help Phone shall investigate the complaint and may seek further information, as appropriate. The actions taken by Kids Help Phone with respect to a particular concern or allegation will depend on the nature of the reported violation.

Investigations – Each case is unique, and Kids Help Phone will handle any allegation reported pursuant to this Policy respectfully, with discretion and in confidence. If the facts warrant it, Kids Help Phone will take corrective action or disciplinary action equal to the severity of the complaint.

Reporting Back –With the exception of our anonymous services, where possible Kids Help Phone will respond as soon as possible after the matter has been reviewed and a determination has been reached.

Anonymous Allegations – Thorough investigation often depends on an ability to gather additional information. With the exception of complaints about our anonymous services, Kids Help Phone encourages complainants to put their names to their inquiries. Kids Help Phone will explore anonymous inquiries to the maximum extent possible.

Continuous Improvement – Kids Help Phone maintains a confidential database of complaints received and their resolution.  The data is reviewed to determine training and development needs as well as systems improvements and to determine whether there are frequently recurring complaints that warrant a more comprehensive review of internal processes.

Report to the Board:

Kids Help Phone shall inform its Board at least annually of the number, type and disposition of complaints received.

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