Am I Worth It?

By: Olliver
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There are thoughts in my head
That I don’t want.
“you’re not worth it”
“they all hate you”
“you are not enough”
“do you really think that they care? you’re being manipulated, and you deserve it. you
I try to ignore them,
push them away.
It’s not working.
should I even go another day?
but someone told me
“keep going,
you will be okay.
maybe not
but in some way
you will be.”
so I went on, pushed through.
will it be enough?
I dont know
for certain.
but I do know
that when times are tough
there will always be someone who knows
that I am worth it.


Kids Help Phone (KHP) is honoured to share creative content submitted by youth from coast to coast to coast as they Feel Out Loud with us. We thank the Feel Out Loud Community Creator of this piece for their contribution to youth mental health and well-being in Canada. For more information on the Feel Out Loud Community Creator Space and / or how you can submit your own creative content for possible publication, you can visit the submission page.